

power management software SENTRON powermanager option pack "Clients (5)" license on USB flash drive for Windows operating systems 4 languages (de, en/po/es)
Product designationSENTRON powerma...Clients (5)"
Product licenseOption pack "Ex...o 5 Clients"
Product variationsLicense on USB stick
General technical data
National language / of the softwareGerman/English/Spanish/Portuguese/French/Italian/Turkish/Chinese
Software classB
Software version3.x
Product details
Product descriptionPower monitoring software
Product feature / upgradeable/retrofittable / Component libraryNo
Product component / Component libraryNo
Product function
Product function
analysis functionYes
evaluation functionYes
motion functionNo
data acquisition functionYes
Diagnostics functionYes
controlled positioningNo
commissioning functionYes
communication functionYes
parameterizing functionYes
project planning functionYes
simulation functionYes
Technological functionNo
Display and operation
Horizontal image resolution / of the graphics board1 280
Vertical screen resolution / of the graphics board1 024
Number of colors / of the graphics board65 536
Design of the drive/storage medium / required
floppy diskNo
DVD driveYes
Operating system / requiredMicrosoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64-bit), Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate/Enterprise/Professional with SP1 (64-bit), Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (64-bit), Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Browser software / requiredno
Processor clock frequency / minimum2 GHz
Storage capacity / on hard drive / required10 Gbyte
Storage capacity / of the main memory or RAM / minimum2 Gbyte
Viewer software / requiredno

External links